Providing a safe, flexible and supportive educational experience for students is what we do best. Founded and led by educators, Mission Academy fosters student success in fully virtual, tuition-free public schools across California. Serving students in grades 6-12, our schools are accredited, NCAA eligible and offer a high-quality online education and valid California high school diplomas.
- LA County
- San Bernardino County
- Kern County
- Orange County
- Ventura County
Live in a different county? Our schools serve students in grades 6-12, ages 11-24, throughout California.
Sacramento, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Amador, El Dorado, Placer, Sutter, Yolo and Solano Counties
San Diego, Orange, Imperial and Riverside Counties

- Los Angeles
- San Bernardino
- Kern
- Orange
- Ventura
Our Award-Winning Coursework
Our tuition-free public schools offer cutting-edge coursework with relevant and exciting content in fresh, new formats students love.