If you’re a parent interested in learning more about online education and what it’s like to switch your child to an online school, you’ve come to the right place! Below, we address some helpful tips for switching your child to an online school. Check them out:
Determine Your Child’s Needs–and if the School You Choose Can Meet Them
Different schools are made to fit different students’ needs. Whether your child requires a specialized IEP/504 plan or simply thrives on social interaction, it’s best to make sure the online school you choose works for him or her.
Talk With Your Child
This can seem like a given, but oftentimes parents make decisions on school options without first asking what their child wants. Including your child in the decision process will help them transition easier and stay motivated.
Talk With Your Current Guidance Counselor
Your guidance counselor should let you know your child’s current progress toward graduation and help you get started on the transition process.
Get Paperwork Gathered
To enroll in any school, you will need the following:
Immunization records (even in online school)
- Birth certificate
- Proof of residency
- School transcripts
If you have all these items gathered and ready to go, the enrollment process will go much smoother.
Prepare a Workspace for Your Child
A big difference between traditional and online school is that your child will no longer have a designated desk to sit at in a classroom. To help your student transition, create a “school desk” for them at home. Whether it’s a desk in your child’s bedroom, an office space in the house or even a kitchen table, it’s best to create a designated, organized “workspace” for your child.